Questioning the Colonial – Three Counter-mapping Practices

Mapping is a central practice in colonisation. As colonists advance their invading lines, they chart the land, recording topologies for agricultural, extractive, and manufacturing potentials. Many things are erased in these maps, including communities, scared and custodial sites, histories and cultures.

Event: the eighth event in the progam Front Lines, Back Yards, Livingmaps Network, London.

14th April, 2021, 6 – 8pm

Link to tickets:

This webinar features three presentations by artists located in lands deeply impacted by colonisation and its residual power dynamics. In each presentation the artists, scholars, and activists describe how they agitate and disrupt conventional mapping and generate works that incite critical conversations about the ongoing affects and politics of colonisation – on culture, ecology, and place.


Linda Knight – Inefficient mapping as an ethical wayfinding practice

Alys Longley – Mapping the aesthetic dimensions of power

Alex Crosby & Ilaria Vanni – Mapping urban plantiness