There There

In There There, two large, quilt-like pockets offer an immersive escape from everyday sexism. Their round openings are an enticing invitation to climb in and rest, to regain resilience and replenish self-belief. The dark spaces are not exactly a space of solitude however, as they are filled with the cheering sounds of audiences, and calming but empty motivational affirmations.

Since 2016, #FEAS Feminist Educators Against Sexism have created humorous interventions into sexism in the academic workplace. There There cites this work through its references to the #FEAS Unfunny Stand-up Comedy performances and the #FEAS Power Dressing photography project, and the ways these play with datasets of the real experiences of sexism faced by university staff and Doctoral students.

As an expanded zine There There draws on the associative connections between the bed as domestic refuge, with its offerings of relaxation and protection from the outside world, and the restorative strategies we use to combat the impacts of sexism on our everyday lives.


6-7/2022. There There. Commissioned work. #FEAS Unfinished Business. With Lyndall Adams, Lilly Blue, Jo Darbyshire, Urszula Dawkins, Emma Fishwick, Natalie Harkin, Sage J Harlow, Jo Lloyd, Marziya Mohammedali, Annette Nykiel, Performing Eco(feminist) Futures, So Fi Zine, Miriam Stannage, The Ediths Press, Cassandra Tytler. Spectrum Project Space, Perth, Australia.